📖 Currently reading 📖
Nègres Blancs d’Amérique de Pierre Vallières
- The Incerto series - Nassim Nicolas TALEB
- Absolute gamechanger, start with Antifragile then follow the chronological order
History and Geopolitics 🏛️
- Le Nouveau Monde Oublié - Marco WINGENDER
- Palestine Peace Not Apartheid - Jimmy CARTER
- Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoovers’s Secret History of the Second World War - Herbert HOOVER
- The Infiltrator: My Secret Life Inside the Dirty Banks Behind Pablo Escobar’s Medellín Cartel - Robert MAZUR
- JFK and the Unspeakable - James W. DOUGLASS
- Disunited Nations - Peter ZAIHAN
- The End of the World is Just the Beginning - Peter ZAIHAN
- Précis de l’Art de la Guerre - Antoine-Henri JOMINI
- Unrestricted Warfare - Wang XIANGSUI & Qiao LIANG
- Guns, Germs and Steel - Jared M. DIAMOND
- On Other War - RAND Corporation
- On Killing - Dave Grossman
- The Art of War - Sun Tzu
- L’ombre des Talibans - Ahmed RASHID
- The Total War - General Erich LUNDENDORFF
- Democracy, the God that Failed - Hans-Hermann HOPPE
Fitness and Essay 🧠
- Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front - Joel SALATIN
- Sun and Steel - Mishima YUKIO
- King Warrior Magician Lover - Moore & Gillette
- Norwegian Wood - Lars MYTTING
- The Saad Truth about Happiness - Gad SAAD
- The Great Plant-Based Con - Jayne BUXTON
- Outlive - Peter ATTIA, MD
- The Salt Fix - Dr James DINICOLANTONIO
- Everything is FUCKED - Mark MANSON
- Unfuck Yourself - Gary John Bishop
- Starting Strength - Mark RIPPETOE (AKA Fitness Boomer 👴)
- Understand the Big 3, but please don’t do 5x5 unless you want to look like a T-Rex. Take this program instead
Personal Finances and Stocks 📈
- The Visual Investor - John J. MURPHY
- Rich Dad and Poor Dad and the Cashflow Quadrant - Robert T. KIYOSAKI
- These two books are great but the guy is a guru and his books are gateway to his scammy seminars.
- Moneyland - Oliver BULLOUGH
- Straight to Hell - John LEFEVBRE
- Safe Haven - Mark SPITZNAGEL
- The Bitcoin Standard - Saifedean AMMOUS
- Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon HILL
- Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel KAHNEMAN
- Capital Compounders - Robin R SPEZIALE
- The 4-Hour Work Week - Timothy FERRIS
- Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk - Peter L. BERNSTEIN
- Stock Inmvesting for Canadian for Dummies - Dagys MLADJENOVIC
- Lord of the Ring Trilogy - J R R Tolkien
- The Witcher series - Andrzej SAPKOWSKI
- Also play the game but FUCK NETFLIX
- Trilogie des Dieux, des Fourmis - Bernad WERBER
- Le Père de nos pères - Bernard WERBER
- Starship Troopers - Robert A. HEINLEIN
- Lord of the Flies - William GOLDING
- Treasure Island - Robert Louis STEVENSON
- Fight Club - Chuck PALAHNIUK
- I Robot - Isac ASIMOV
- End War - Tom Clancy
- The Call of the Wild - Jack London